Just about everyone has washing machines at home, so why would we use a laundry service? Well, let's face it, doing the wash is rarely anyone's favourite chore. It's a thankless continual cycle. No sooner have you emptied the clothes basket than it fills up again. Finish the last piece of ironing, fold it and put it gone and another...

You will find there's WAH business that many people aren't aware of that requires no special skills, very little start up money, and all you need to operate it can be found in your laundry room. Not sure what I'm talking about? Here's a hint: you already practice it and probably have been for years now. I'm talking about a wash and fold service....



I have extensive experience in Administration, Business Administration and CRM, in the automotive industry. Extensive experience in IT. Knowledge Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, php, MySQL. Experience in CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Prestashop and Systems information management.


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